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  • 北京市东直门中学


    北京市东直门中学是一所完全中学。学校位于东直门内北顺城街2号,校园座落在东二环路东直门立交桥北端西侧,与俄罗斯驻华使馆相邻。学校有两个校区,总占地面积30705平方米,总建筑面积42111平方米。现有教职员工近260人,在校学生2000余人。 东直门中学始建于1935年,原名北平市市立第二女子中学,新中国建立后称为北京市第二女子中学,文革期间称为反修路中学,1980年更名为北京市东直门中学。20世纪50年代创办了闻名全国的“保尔班”,王蒙的小说《青春万岁》就是以我校首届保尔班学生的生活为原型创作的。2005年学校被北京市教委命名为“北京市示范性普通高中”。 经过一代代东直门中学师生的努力,学校形成了“爱国爱校,尊师爱生,治学严谨,自强不息”(校训)的优良传统和校风。制定了坚持以人为本、以学生的发展为本,让学生“学会做人,学会做事,学会做学问,学会自我发展”,促进学生的全人格发展的办学宗旨。 学校拥有一支师德高尚、爱生敬业、业务精良、团结和谐、结构合理的以特级教师、市、区骨干教师、高级教师和一批具有博士、硕士等高学历青年教师为主体的高素质教师队伍。在课程管理平台、综合素质评价管理平台和教学质量监控体系中,教师的基础理论、专业知识和能力、教科研成果应用都得到了进一步提升。学校历年中高考成绩优异。赵千、田禾同学分别于1993年、2005年夺得北京市高考理科状元。王烁石、张承阳同学分别于2002年、2009年获得北京市优秀学生的荣誉称号。我校金帆交响乐团曾成功举办了东城区新年音乐会,2010年在全国第三届中小学生艺术展演中获一等奖。我校女子篮球队代表北京市在全国第十届中学生运动会女篮比赛中取得优异成绩。 学校拥有与教育、教学、科研配套的教学实验中心、心理健康服务中心、信息技术中心、体育活动中心、艺术中心、科普活动中心、茶艺和通用技术专用教室等。学校积极开发蓝天工程活动的优质资源,充分发挥了示范校的辐射作用,为教育事业和社会公益事业做出突出贡献,社会声誉不断提高。 在人文校园、科技校园、和谐校园、绿色校园和可持续发展的思想指导下,东直门中学正努力把学校建成“有文化底蕴、有个性特色、有品牌优势”和“管理高效能、教师高水平、学生高素质、设备高标准、社会高声望”的全国知名、全市示范、全区领先的党和人民满意的现代化名校。 Dong Zhimen is a combined middle school and high school. It is located on No. 2 Bei Shuncheng Street, the northeast of Dong Zhimen Overhead Bridge on the East Second Ring Road, next to the Russian Embassy. Our school has two campuses, 30705 square meters wide, 42111 square meters high. We have more than 2000 students and 260 staff members. Beijing Dong Zhimen Middle School, formerly Beiping No.2 Girls’ Middle School, was founded in 1935. It was renamed Beijing No. 2 Girls’ Middle School after the PRC was founded. Its name was changed to Fan Xiulu Middle School during the Cultural Revolution. In 1980, it was renamed to Beijing Dong Zhimen Middle School. In the 1950s, we set up a nationally renowned class named after “Pavel”. The famous writer Wang Meng’s novel “Long Live Youth” was based on the lives of the students in out first Pavel Class. In 2005, our school was named as Beijing Demonstration School by Beijing Ministry of Education With generation after generation’s hard working by Dong Zhimen’s teachers and students, , we have formed a fine tradition and school spirit with the school motto “Love the country love the school, respect the teachers care the students, work with the spirit of rigorous scholarly pursuits, work persistently with eternal strength and confidence”. Our purpose is let’s the students learn how to do now and what to be in the future. Not only learning the knowledge but learning the way to expand their knowledge as well, we would like to see them continue their all-around personal development in the long run. Our teachers are highly qualified, personally committed and extremely caring towards their students and subject matter. (Our teachers are personally committed and extremely caring towards their students and subject matter. They are highly qulified, some of them had Ph.D degrees, a number of them had master’s degrees.)They form a team having remarkable dedication, harmony and solidarity. Always employing teacher’s professional ethics, they strive in their friendly working environment to constantly increase their knowledge and ability and continually stay abreast in matters of curriculum management, quality evaluation and supervisory control. Dong Zhimen students received exceptional grades in the nation-wide college entrance exams, especially in 1993 and 2005, when our two students , Zhao Qian and Tian He, were awarded the highest scores of Science in Beijing. Wang Shuoshi and Zhang Chengyang were nominated Excellent Beijing Students in 2002 and 2009. On New Year’s Day, 2007, our school orchestra successfully held the New Year’s concert in the Dongcheng District. In 2010, our school orchestra won the first prize in the national art competition for primary and middle schools. Our Girl’s Basketball Team executed an outstanding performance in the 10th National Middle School Students Games. We have an Experiment Center in which we research teaching and education. We have a Psychological Consultation Center, an Information Technology Center, a Sports center, and an Art Center. Our school also has an Activities Center of Popular Science, a tea classroom and a special classroom for general technologies. Thanks to the aid of “Blue Sky” project sources, we as a demonstration school in the city, have made outstanding contributions to education and to social public interests, which constantly improve the reputation of our school. Dong Zhimen is guided by its humanistic philosophy to create a harmonious environment that is very green in practice and technologically advanced, all of which lead to the optimum sustainable development of its students. We, at Dong Zhimen, are trying out best to become nationally acclaimed school, desired by both the Party and the people of the country. We stand as a model in Beijing and a leader in the Dongcheng District, being a school with a rich cultural and individual character, having a superior level of management, advanced teaching facilities, students with high standards and great reputation.

    http://www.dzmzx.com.cn - 2014-12-29
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