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  • 北京景山学校


    北京景山学校[www.bjjsschool.net]创办于1960年。它是一所专门进行城市中小学教育试验的学校,是全国和北京市的重点学校,联合国教科文亚洲教育更新计划联系中心之一。1983年9月,邓小平为景山学校题词\"教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。\"   北京景山学校位于北京东城区灯市口大街,校园占地32亩,建筑面积33000平方米。学校在以学生为本的办学理念指导下,建设了高标准的运动场馆、实验室、计算机房、图书馆、专业教室及演播系统。建立了面向全国中小学的远程教育网。学校现有小学至高三12个年级,在校生2400人,教职工243人,特级教师6人,中学高级教师74人。   北京景山学校21世纪办学的总目标是:全面贯彻邓小平同志\"三个面向\"的教育思想,树立新的、适应知识经济时代的,以学生发展为本,为学生一生的发展着想的教育理念,以提高素质为宗旨,培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点,把景山学校办成国际一流的、现代化的科学思想的摇篮、文化艺术的花园、社会正气的堡垒、身心健康的乐园。办学思想:以\"三个面向\"为指针,继承、借鉴、创新,全面发展打基础,发展个性育人才。办学特色:以先进的教育思想为先导,以教育理论为指导,以教改试验为基础,探索21世纪从小学到高中人才培养的新方法。学校定位:积极进行教育改革的试验学校,传播现代化教育观念、教育技术和教改成果的示范学校,推动教育改革与交流的促进学校,在国内外有影响的国际化学校。   北京景山学校 40年的教改实践,造就了一支热爱教育事业,专业功底扎实,能应用现代化教学手段,具有创新精神和时间实践能力,事业心强,肯于奉献,有一定教育理论水平和教育科研能力,综合素质教高的教师队伍。   北京景山学校为培养创造性人才,发展个性特长,建立了课内外结合、校内外结合的课程体系。开设了选修课、活动课、开展了丰富多彩的课外活动。在区、市、全国乃至国际竞赛中共有3316人次获奖。9名获北京市中学银帆奖。学校被评为\"北京市科技示范校\"、\"超新星学校\"、\"排球传统校\"、\"舞蹈传统校\"。   北京景山学校将遵循\"明理、勤奋、严谨、创新\"的校训深化教育改革,全面实施素质教育,坚持综合整体改革试验,阔步迈入新的世纪。       Brief Introduction to Beijing Jingshan School    Beijing Jingshan School was founded in 1960. It is an experimental school specializing in the education of urban primary and high school students. It is akey school of China and also the connection center for the Asian New EducationPlan of UNESCO. In September 1983, Deng Xiaoping in describing the Jingshan School wrote, \"Eeducation for the modernization, for the world and for the future.\"   Beijing Jingshan School, located on Dengshikou Street, Dongcheng District, has33,000 square meters of buildings. With the interest of the students in mind, the school is equipped with excellent physical education facilities, classrooms, and audio-video systems. A Distance Education Net for primary and high school students all around the country has been recently added. There are presently twelve grades ringing from primary school to high school, including 2400 students,243 staff workers, 6 master teachers and 74 senior teachers in the school.   In the 21st century, Jingshan School will carry on the \"Three Fors\" by Deng Xiaoping.By keeping abreast of the times and bringing forth new ideas, the schoolhas created an educational system that allows for the further development of the students, and thus maintains its status as a first class school in the world. Jingshan will make itself a cradle of modern science, a garden of the culture and arts, and a force for healthy social trends. Educational reform is the distinguishing feature of this model school which embraces experimental practices, ideas, and technologiesa truly influential international school.During the forty-year history of the Jingshan School,a community of qualified and excellent teachers has emerged. While enjoying the pleasures of their career, the Jingshan teachers practice modern educational techniques and ideas and are constantly refining the art of teaching.   In order to nurture the needs of creative students, the school has developed a system, which connects the academic curricula with real-life experiences. There is wide choice of electives, as well as activity classes and extracurricular lessons. At this time, 3316 students have won regional,national, and international competitions. Nine students have been awarded the \"Silver prize of Beijing.Jingshan School has been appraised as \"Model School of Science and Technology of Beijing\"Supernova School,\" \"Traditional School of Volleyball,\" and \"Traditional School of Dancing,\"   Jingshan will continue to carry on the slogan of \"Sensible, Diligent, Rigorous, and Creative.\" By maintainingtheir level of quality and continuing to meet the needs of their students in new ways,Jingshan School will bring educational reform into the new century.

    http://www.bjjsschool.net - 2014-12-27
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