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  • 浙江师范大学附属中学


    浙江师范大学附属中学(金华二中),是省教育厅直属学校。学校创建于1953年,曾获国务院授予“全国文教战线群英单位”称号,被教育家叶圣陶誉为“集美第二”,是浙江省首批重点中学。1996年认定为省一级重点中学,1998年起面向全省招生。 学校占地370亩,总建筑面积10万多平方,拥有教学大楼、科技大楼、行政大楼、餐饮中心、学生公寓、标准塑胶田径场、塑胶篮排球场、塑胶网球场,高规格图书馆、大会堂、体育馆等一流的现代化基础设施。近年来学校在教学质量、教育科研、办学规模等方面实现了跨越式的发展。2000年创办浙师大直升班,实施高中与大学衔接教育的实践和研究,在素质教育的实施、育人模式的探索、课程改革的研究等方面取得许多成功的经验,被誉为中国第一班。2002年被评为“浙江省科研兴校200强”,2003起连续被评为“浙江省教育科研先进集体”,2005年被教育部、国家体育总局授予“国家级体育传统项目学校”,2006年被授予“国家基础教育实验中心外语教研中心实验学校”,教育部核定批准为中外合作办学项目学校。学校秉承“以学生的发展为本,一切面向学生,面向学生的一切”的办学理念,以提高学生的全面素质,为国家输送高层次的人才为办学宗旨,办学50多年来,培养了一大批博士、教授、专家及党政领导人。 学校现有教职员工240人、学生数近3000,拥有一批包括特级教师、省名师名校长人选、省市级教坛新秀和学科带头人的教师队伍;拥有信息技术应用为主导的高度现代化的教学手段和设施。学校在教学质量、师资力量、现代信息化教育和教学科研诸方面走在全省前列,在省内外享有盛誉。 School Introduction The Attached Middle School of Zhejiang Normal University, (also known as Jinhua No. 2 Middle School) founded in 1953, is directly under the Education Department of Zhejiang Province. A prestigious school, it was awarded the title “National Outstanding Units In The Cultural Educational Field ” by the State Council. It was also praised by the greatest educationist Ye Shentao as “Jimei Second” for its garden-like arrangements, imposing schoolhouse, and attractive greenery. It is one of the first batch of provincial key Middle Schools. It was evaluated as a provincial first- class key Middle School in 1996 and started to enroll students from the whole province in 1998. The campus covers an area of 370 Mu with the construction area of over 100,000 square meters, including many first-class modernized facilities such as teaching buildings, a science building, an administrative building, a dining center, students’ dormitories, a standard track-and-field area, basketball courts, tennis courts, a high-grade library, an auditorium, and a stadium. In 2000, the school set up a class that offers direct enrollment to ZNU called the “Chinese First Class,” thus beginning research on the conjunctional education of high schools and universities. As a result, the school has had much successful experience in quality education, the ways of fostering talents, curriculum reform, etc. In 2002, it was evaluated as “one of provincial 200 top research schools.’’ In 2003, it was awarded a “Provincial Advanced Research Unit.” In 2005, the school was given the title, “National P.E. Traditional Items School” by the Education Department and National P.E. General Bureau. In 2006, it was named a “national basic education experiment center English-teaching research center experiment school.” In the same year, it was approved by the Education Department to cooperate with foreign countries in running our school. Our school adheres to the concept of, “Focusing on the development of our students and serving our students whole-heartedly.” Our school has the purpose of improving comprehensive qualities of the students and transmitting high-level talents for the nation. Our school has cultivated many doctors, professors, experts and Party political leaders in 50 years. The school now has about 3000 students, and around 240 teaching staff members, among whom there are seven special-grade teachers, several candidates for provincial outstanding principals and teachers, and some provincial and city-level distinguished teachers. It offers greatly–advanced teaching facilities and methods based on Information Technology application. As one of the top provincial schools in teaching quality, teachers’ strength, teaching research, resources, facilities and modern IT education, it enjoys a good reputation from inside and outside the province.

    http://www.ourschool.cn - 2015-02-12
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