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  • 沈阳市第四中学


    典雅厚重的俄式建筑,幽静别致的园林绿化,书香浓郁的学习氛围,功能齐备的运动场地,物美价廉的学生食堂,60余年的深厚积淀……这就是沈阳市第四中学——辽宁省首批省级重点中学、省示范性高中、沈阳市数学学科基地、沈阳市“人民满意窗口单位”。 这里有业务精湛、勇于创新的精英团队,引领孩子健康成长;这里有个性飞扬、华彩纷呈的学生活动,伴随孩子快乐生活;这里有自由独立之阳光、追求卓越之沃土,滋养着孩子们向上的心灵…… With a history of more than sixty years, Shenyang No. 4 Middle School provides students with elegant teaching buildings of Russian style, peaceful gardens, a fully functioning stadium, a canteen with better food at lower prices, etc. She is one of the first few provincial key middle schools in Liaoning province and she is also famous as mathematics scientific base of Shenyang. There are professional and creative teachers who guide students to fully develop in both study and life. There are diverse and brilliant student activities to help students show personalities. Here, we offer students chances to experience independence and cooperation, as well as enjoying self-improvement and a better life.

    http://www.sy4z.syn.cn - 2015-01-24
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