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  • 浙江省桐乡市高级中学


    浙江省一级重点中学—— 桐乡市高级中学,位于中国杭白菊之乡——桐乡。菊香飘溢的水乡,源远流长的文化,八方才俊的智慧,铸造了桐高优秀的品质。学校创办于1995年,时任国务院总理李鹏同志亲自为学校题写校名,著名书画家钱君匋先生题写校训,原北京大学校长吴树青先生题写校风。 Tongxiang High School, a key senior high school in Zhejiang Province, is located in Tongxiang City, the Hometown of Chinese Chrysanthemum. This beautiful city, once bred much ancient culture and a lot of celebrities, creates a good environment to the development of Tongxiang High School. The school, founded in 1995, has attracted great attention from all walks of life: China’s then Prime Minister Li Peng inscribed the school name; Qian Juntao, a famous painter and calligrapher inscribed the school motto, and Wu Shuqing,former president of Peking University inscribed the school spirit. 学校占地140余亩,建筑面积近6万平方米。各种教育教学设施齐全,设备先进,学校网站、电视台、广播站、电子阅览室、图书馆、多媒体教室、数字实验室、演播厅、计算机房等一应俱全。校园环境优美,构筑了精致的园林小品、文化石、孔子铜像、文化长廊、名人雕塑等校园人文自然景观,营造了高雅的文化氛围,洋溢着浓厚的人文气息,突显出校园高雅、向上的育人环境。 The about 23-acre school, with a construction area of about 600,000 square meters, has various teaching facilities and advanced equipment, such as the multi-media classrooms, digital labs, studio, and library. And the exquisite garden features, culture stones, cultural promenade and sculptures of celebrities in the school help to create a graceful environment with a profound and elegant cultural atmosphere, which warrants the educational function of school. 学校树立“管理立校、质量兴校、科研强校”的发展观,以“创一流学校,育一流英才”为目标,向管理要质量,以质量求生存,以质量促发展,高考升学、重点率一直位居嘉兴市前列,每年都向北大、清华、浙大、复旦等全国重点高校输送大批优秀毕业生。已培养出3名浙江省高考状元(裘芳、周曦和周翔),11名嘉兴市高考状元,2名少年班大学生,还有4名浙江省英才奖获得者。学生参加科技竞赛、数理化生信息学奥林匹克竞赛有40余人次获全国一等奖,获省级及以上奖励达1000余人次。2008年丰成潇同学见义勇为,勇救落水儿童,获桐乡市人民政府嘉奖。学校要求学生“高分高能高品格,苦学善学上好学”, 努力把学生培养成为素质全面、人格健全、个性鲜明、具有社会责任意识,适应社会发展需要的优秀人才。 The school, aiming at making itself a first-class school and cultivating elites, has established a view of developing the school through 3 crucial factors, namely good management, high teaching quality and more scientific research. These years the school ranks among the best in Jiaxing City with high college enrollment rates and key university enrollment. A lot of students are admitted into national key universities, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and Fudan University. Over the years, 3 students (Qiufang, Zhouxi and Zhouxiang) got the highest score in the college entrance exam in Zhejiang Province, and 11 got the highest in Jiaxing City. Also 2 students were admitted into the juvenile class, while 4 students won the Zhejiang Elite Award. The school firmly encourages students to take part in scientific and technological competitions and all kinds of Olympiads. More than 40 person-times have got the National First Prize, and over 1,000 person-times have won prizes of Zhejiang Provincial level. Meanwhile, the school puts emphasis on moral education; students are expected to be excellent both in study and morality. In 2008, a student called Feng Chengxiao courageously saved a drowning child, and was awarded by Tongxiang People’s Government. 学校拥有雄厚的师资力量。目前有教职工189人,其中高级教师占专任教师总数的41%,特级教师2名,嘉兴市名教师6人,嘉兴市学科带头人9人,桐乡市学科带头人23人,桐乡市骨干教师18人,各级教坛新秀9人,其他还有全国模范教师、全国优秀教师、省市级优秀教师,十佳师德标兵、十佳青年教师、十佳班主任等,各级名师约占教师总数的50%。学校要求全体教师 “高品高格高水平,苦练善教育英才”,不断学习先进的教育思想与理论,转变教育观念,改进教学方法,人人参与教育教学研究,取得了丰硕成果。 The school has a group of high-qualified teachers. At present, there are 189 staffs, 41% of whom have senior professional titles. The school also has 2 provincial-master teachers, 6 famous teachers of Jiaxing City, 9 academic leaders of Jiaxing City, 23 academic leaders of Tongxiang City, 18 key teachers and 9 outstanding young teachers. Nearly half of the teachers are outstanding teachers of all levels. Besides the school has National Modal Teachers, National Outstanding Teachers, Top Ten Head Teachers of the county. All the teachers are required to work hard, learn advanced education thoughts and theory, transform teaching conception, improve teaching methods and take active part in research and as a result, abundant fruits have been obtained already. 求真务实,开拓创新,团结奋进,硕果累累,学校得到了各级政府和教育主管部门以及社会各界的广泛赞誉。已获全国后勤管理先进单位、全国绿色学校、全国无吸烟先进学校、全国首批科学教育实验基地、中国科学院心理研究所实验学校、全国心理辅导特色学校、联合国教科文组织EPD项目实验学校、国家基础教育实验中心外语教学研究中心实验学校、浙江省文明单位、浙江省文明学校、浙江省普通高中新课程实验工作样本学校、浙江省教育科研先进集体、浙江省科研兴校百强学校、浙江省现代教育技术实验学校、浙江省电化教育先进集体、浙江省语言文字规范化示范校、浙江省体育锻炼达标先进学校、浙江省卫生先进单位、浙江省级治安安全单位、浙江省五四红旗团委等荣誉称号。在《浙江日报》、“浙江在线”发起的“我心中的浙江名校”社会评议活动中,经万名读者的热情参与,学校从浙江省众多名校中脱颖而出,被评为全省三十所知名中学之一。 Our school, being pragmatic, creative and always united, has obtained great achievements. Therefore, it has won praise from government of all levels, education administrators and all walks of life as well. The school has already obtained a lot of honorary titles as follows: National Advanced Unit of Logistics Management, National Green School, National Advanced No-smoking School, one of the first National Science Education Experimental Base, pilot school of Psychology Institution of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, National Characteristic School of Psychological Counseling, pilot school of the UNESCO EPD Project, pilot school of the National Basic Education Experimental Center of Foreign Language Teaching Research Center, Provincial Civilized Unit, Zhejiang Civilization School, Provincial Sample School of the New Curriculum Experimental Work, Zhejiang Education Scientific Research Advanced Collective, Top 100 Scientific Research School, Zhejiang Modern Education Technology Experimental School, Zhejiang Electrical-controlled Education Advanced Collective, Demonstration School of Language Standardization in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sports Exercise Standard Advanced School, Zhejiang Health Advanced Unit, Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Units, Zhejiang May 4th Red Flag Youth Corps Committee. In the election activity of well-known schools in Zhejiang Province launched by Zhejiang Daily and Zhejiang Online, the school was chosen as one of the 30 most noted schools in Zhejiang Province. 前进中的桐高,环境优美、硬件一流、校风纯正、教风严谨、学风浓烈。如今全体桐高人“同心同德同力,提劲提速提质”,正大踏步地朝着省内一流、国内知名、具有国际视野和鲜明个性的示范性重点高中迈进! Tongxiang High School, with a beautiful environment, advanced hardware, pure school spirit, rigorous teaching style and profound study atmosphere, is becoming better and better. All the staffs and students in the school have the same goal and are working hard to establish it as a first-class and national well-known demonstration key high school with international view and distinct characteristics.

    http://www.zjtg.cn - 2015-03-18
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