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- 2014-12-28收录日期
- 2022-03-13更新日期
- 网站地址:中国黄金网 http://www.gold.org.cn
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- 网站描述:中国黄金网 (www.gold.org.cn) 由中国黄金报社、北京黄金经济发展研究中心主办,创立于 1997 年,是以黄金市场、黄金矿业、珠宝首饰等相关行业为报道领域,以黄金、首饰行业从业人员及贵金属市场参与者为主要受众的金融信息类网站。国务院新闻办批准的国家贵金属和首饰行业惟一全国性新闻网站。
邮编: 100101
电话: +86 10 84871329
+86 10 84871308
China Gold News Website
Sponsored by China Gold News, China Gold News Website (www.gold.org.cn) is a financial information website mainly covering the gold and jewelry industry. Launched in 1997, it is the only national news website in China’s gold and jewelry industry approved by the State Council Information Office.
As an authoritative, timely and service-oriented website, it releases industry news every day, updates around-the-clock market news of precious metals and issues a large amount of professional information. Now, it has launched Short Messaging Service of Global Precious Metals Real-time Market Information and Mobile Newspaper Service of China Gold News.
At present, it has more than 300,000 visitors daily and is the most influential website in China’s gold and jewelry industry. It is not only the biggest information platform in China’s precious metals and jewelry industry but also the best publicity platform for relevant companies.
Welcome to contact us.
Address: 15th Floor, Peking Time Square Building 103B, Hui Zhong Li, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, P.R. China.
Tel: 8610 84871329; 861084871308
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