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  • 网站地址:江苏省常熟中学 http://www.jsscszx.com
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  • 网站描述:江苏省常熟中学的前身是1938年创办于重庆合川的国立第二中学。抗战胜利后,学校于1946年移址常熟,更名为江苏省立常熟中学。1953年定名为江苏省常熟中学。1990年通过省教委验收,确认为首批合格重点高中。1998年,学校搬迁至现址。2000年,被省教育厅确认为国家级示范性普通高中。2004年转评为江苏省四星级普通高中。学校设有48个教学班,在校学生近2000人。现有专任教师210人,其中中高级职称超90%,江苏省特级教师、苏州市名教师、各类学科带头人和教学能手等市级以上骨干超60%。校园占地面积250亩,校舍建筑面积达6万平方米。学校布局合理,设施齐全,装备先进。 学校坚持“以学生发展为本,面向全体学生”的办学理念,教育质量稳步提高,学科竞赛成绩喜人,素质教育成效显著。自苏州市设立“李政道奖学金”以来,共有19名学生获苏州市“李政道奖学金”。蔡学飞、杨清嘉分获高考2001年省理科、2008年省文科第一名;钱尧、季心宇、熊家颐、金滢分获高考2010年、2011年、2013年、2014年苏州市文科或理科第一名。在第43届国际化学奥林匹克竞赛中,龚宗平夺得金牌第一名;在全国高中生奥林匹克竞赛中,周易获第25届化学金牌,殷裔安获第27届数学金牌,钱天一获第27届化学银牌,金滢获第29届数学银牌。 学校打造课程改革和校园文化两大特色,省级课程基地——“虞山文化课程基地”的建立,以课程丰富内涵,以基地拓展课堂,进一步激发了师生的创造潜能,提升了学校的文化品位。丰富多彩的学生社团活动成为校园内一道亮丽的风景线。学校辩论队、晴川文学社、合唱团、各类运动队在各级比赛中,都取得了骄人的成绩。 学校设立国际教育部,开设全球认可的GAC国际大学预科课程,三届毕业生全部被海外知名大学录取,其中30%的学生被美国排名前50位的一流大学录取。为开阔学生国际视野,自2012年以来,先后组织学生赴澳大利亚、英国、新加坡、美国等国修学旅行。2013年,学校与澳大利亚维多利亚州北墨布中学缔结友好学校,为两校学生搭建一个相互了解,共同提高的平台。 76年的办学历史,学校积淀了丰厚的人文底蕴,形成了优良的教育传统。已经毕业的近5万名学生许多已成为各界才俊,17位院士便是其中的杰出代表。江苏省常熟中学正面向未来,全面深化改革,努力开辟通往教育现代化的成功之路。 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO JIANGSU PROVINCECHANGSHUHIGH SCHOOL The original name ofJiangsuProvinceChangshuHigh Schoolwas National No.2 Middle School founded in Hechuan,Chongqingin 1938. With the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression achieved, the School was moved to Changshu in 1946 and afterwards was renamedJiangsuProvincialChangshuMiddle School. The present name was denominated in 1953. In 1990, Jiangsu Provincial Education Commission confirmed it to be one of the first qualified key senior high schools. In 1998, the School was relocated to its present site. In 2000, the School was nominated the state-level demonstration senior high school by the Education Department of Jiangsu Province. In 2004, the School was nominated the four-star senior high school inJiangsuProvince. There are 48 teaching classes and nearly 2,000 students in the school. 90% of the 210 full-time teachers are intermediate and senior title holders and over 60% are special-grade teachers inJiangsuProvince, famous teachers inSuzhouCity, pace-setters in scientific research of various subjects and teaching experts. The campus covers an area of 250 mu with the building area of 60,000 square meters. The school is equipped with advanced facilities and the layout is reasonable. The School adheres to the educational philosophy of “giving priority to the development of students and being geared to the needs of all the students”. The quality of education has been improving steadily and satisfactory results have been achieved in the subject contests. The effect of quality education is obvious. Since the “Li Zhengdao Scholarship” was set up inSuzhouCity, our 19 students have won such awards. Cai Xuefei and Yang Qingjia got the first place respectively for the science students in the college entrance examination in 2001 and for the arts students in the college entrance examination in 2008 inJiangsuProvince. Qian Yao, Ji Xinyu, Xiong Jiayi and Jin Ying got the first place respectively for the arts students or science students in the college entrance examination in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014 inSuzhouCity. Gong Zongping won the gold medal in the 43rd International Chemistry Olympic Contest. Zhou Yi won the gold medal in the 25th National Chemistry Olympic Contest for Senior High School Students. Yin Yi’an won the gold medal in the 27th National Mathematics Olympic Contest for Senior High School Students. Qian Tianyi won the silver medal in the 27th National Chemistry Olypic Contest for Senior High School Students. Jin Ying won the silver medal in the 29th National Mathematics Olympic Contest for Senior High School Students. “The Yushan Culture Curriculum Base”, a provincial-level curriculum base, has been established to enrich curriculum connotation and expand the classroom, which will further stimulate the creative potential of the teachers and students and improve the culture grade of the School. A variety of student organization activities have become beautiful scenes in the campus. The school debate team, the Qinchuan literature club, the chorus and the sports teams have got excellent results in different kinds of competitions. The department of international education has been set up in the school and the GAC foundation program is offered. All the graduates for the three years have been admitted to famous universities abroad, 30% of whom are in the top 50 of first-class universities in theUnited States. To broaden students’ international vision, the School has successively organized students toAustralia,Britain,SingaporeandAmericafor study tour since 2012. In 2013, our school and Mirboo North Secondary College of Victoria, Australia became friendly schools so as to build a platform of mutual understanding and improvement for the students of both schools. In the past 76 years, solid foundations of humanities have been laid and fine tradition of education formed in the School. The number of its graduates amounts to more than 50,000, many of whom have become talents from all walks of life. 17 academicians of theChineseAcademyof Sciences and theChineseAcademyof Engineering are their outstanding representatives. The School is geared to the needs of the future and is carrying out the comprehensive reform and making great efforts to open up a successful way to education modernization.
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