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  • 2015-03-18收录日期
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  • 网站地址:嵊泗中学 http://www.zjsszx.com
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  • 网站描述:嵊泗中学创建于1953年,位于东海之滨、国家级列岛风景名胜区——嵊泗列岛上,嵊泗列岛被誉为东方的夏威夷、南方的北戴河,著名的中国洋山深水港就在岛内。学校是浙江省重点中学、浙江省文明单位、浙江省卫生先进单位、浙江省绿色学校、浙江省现代化技术实验学校。学校占地面积61192平方米,建筑面积27180平方米,现有学生数1043人,教职工121人。校园环境优美,依山傍水,现代化气息浓郁。 学校坚持“励志、尚德、求实、创新”的八字校训,让学生“学会做人、学会学习、学会创新”。学校拥有一支师德高尚、业务精湛的教师队伍,有全国优秀教师,省劳动模范,“名师工程”和“青蓝工程”建设卓有成效。 学校坚持“以人为本”的教育理念,积极推进民主化管理和精细化管理,增强服务意识,充分发挥学生的主体作用。学校重视校园文化建设,通过举办艺术节、科技节、体育节、文化节等丰富多彩的活动,加强对学生人文素质的培养,促进学生个性的良好发展。 学校坚持走科研兴校之路,重视校本课程开发,依托华东师范大学的科研力量,加强教学共同体建设,打造最好的团队。学校注重教育有效性的研究,构建课题研究金字塔结构,成效显著,申报国家级课题《中小学科技创新教育的实践研究》获得成功。 学校坚持走特色亮校之路,注重学生创新意识的培养。综合实践活动蓬勃开展,特色创建成绩辉煌,近三年累计获69项国家实用型专利发明,被评为专利示范学校,省内领先,在2012年省第26届青少年科技创新大赛中勇夺一等奖。 近几年来,全校上下团结协作,锐意创新,奋发进取,用智慧、良心和责任共同铸就学校更加辉煌的明天! Brief Introduction Of Shengsi Senior High School Shengsi Senior High School, founded in 1953, is located on a national tourist attraction-Shengsi Islands, off east cost, which enjoys a good reputation of Oriental Hawaii or Austral Beidai River. Attractively, the world-famous Yangshang Deep Water Port is built on the Islands. Covering an area of 61,192 square meters and a construction area of 27,180 square meters, the school, surrounded by waters and mountains, consists of 1043 students and 121 teachers and other staff. Rated as Key Scholl, Civilization Unit, Advanced Hygienic Unit, Green School as well as the Experimental School of Modern Technology in Zhengjiang Provine, Shengsi Senior High School is environmentally friendly, with a strong modern flavor. Students in Shengsi Senior High School are asked to learn to be a human, learn to study, and learn to innovate, inspired by the school motto: Motivation, Conscience, Realism and Innovation. It is lucky for students in the school to be educated by a group of professional teachers with good teaching moral, in which there are national excellent teachers and provicial model workers. Apart from these, the Project of Renowned Teachers and the Project of Promising Teachers are under the way, which has effectively promoted the teaching level of the teachers. Shengsi Senior High School determinedly holds human-oriented educational belif, actively boosts democratic and fine-grained management, gradually enhances the service consciousness and fully gives play to students’ impact as well. A diversity of school activities, such as art festival, sci-tech festival, sports festival, cultural festival, etc, play an important role in constructing school culture, which strengthens the cultivation to students’ humanistic quality, and in the meanwhile, facilitates the good development of students’ personalities. Shengsi Senior High School sticks to the way of scientific research as well as school-based curriculum development. With the help of East China Normal University, the school reinforces the construction of teaching community to form the best teaching team. Besides, the school attaches great importance to the research of effective education and the construction of pyramid structure in project study. Over the time, it has made a good many achievements, including the successful declaration of the national project titled The Practical Research On Elementary and Secondary Sci-tech Innovative Education. Continuously, Shengsi Senior High School will keep on its distingushing feature of sci-tech innovation, which lays emphasis on cultivating students’ innovative awareness. Based on the feature, the school has conducted comprehensive practical activities, harvesting 69 national utility patents in all in the recent three years, which contributes to the school being rated as a patent model school and its leading position in the field of innovation in Zhengjiang Province. Delightedly, in the year of 2012, the students in Shengsi Senior High School won the first prize in the 26th Sci-tech Innovation Contest for Teens in zhejiang Provice. It is for sure that the whole school are united like a family, in which everybody holds the belif that cooperation, innovation and striving to make new progress count. Ultimately, with the quality of wisdom, conscience and resposibility, the brillian future of Shengsi Senior High School will be accomplished!
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