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  • 网站地址:重庆铁路中学 http://www.cqtz.com
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  • 网站描述:重庆铁路中学创建于1956年,1982年被评为四川省重点中学,1998年被评为重庆直辖市首批重点中学,2004年移交九龙坡区政府管理,是九龙坡区重点打造的第一所高完中,是全国特色学校、全国纪念改革开放30年基础教育特色30校、全国首批中华优秀文化艺术传承学校、全国奥林匹克教育示范学校、全国艺术教育先进单位、全国青少年素质教育基地、全国德育科研先进学校、重庆市文明单位、市首批德育示范学校、市首批科技教育特色学校、市首批信息技术教育示范学校、市首批艺术教育示范学校、市园林式单位、市文明礼仪示范学校、市示范级食堂学校、市对外交流窗口学校等。2013年获重庆市政府颁发教学成果二等奖,是九龙坡区唯一获得此项奖的中学。2012年九龙坡区政府斥资一亿元进行学校的改扩建,2014年全面竣工,学校特有的坡地山水校园,更具巴渝文化特色。现有高、初中76个教学班,在校生4000余名,教职员工340名。    学校教师队伍拥有英国利兹大学、香港理工大学、北大、清华、复旦、北师大、华东师大等高校研究生和本科生,有研究生课程班结业者和硕士142名。有20名全国劳动模范、全国模范教师、特级教师、全国科研型骨干教师、市级师德标兵、市未来教育家培养对象、市优秀教师和市优秀班主任等,近82名市、区级骨干教师和学科带头人等。2013—2014学年有8位教师获国家级竞赛一等奖。学校教育教学成绩显著,连续多年获区综合办学水平评估一等奖和教育教学质量最高奖。2013年高考一本上线人数和中考联招上线人数创历史新高,获重庆市政府教学成果二等奖(区唯一中学)。    学校恪守“和谐发展,群星灿烂”的办学理念,以“多元课程、多元评价、多元交流、多元发展”构建星光教育特色,“没有差生,只有差异”的教育思想渗入全校办学行为中,培育了“激情与包容”的教风和“健康与个性”的学风。在市内外具有广泛影响,来自全国各省市和40多个国家的师生到校参观考察,被誉为重庆市学校特色创建的新符号。 Chongqing Railway High School Chongqing Railway High School is located on the world famous Graffiti Art Street in Huangjueping, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. Founded in 1956, the school campus encompasses 100,000 square meters with total 4,200 junior and senior students from 80 classes and a faculty of 304. Chongqing Railway High School holds a prestigious reputation for being one of the first schools for Chinese excellent culture and art heritage, the National Olympic Education Model School, the National Advanced Unit of arts education, the Green School and one of the first key middle schools in Chongqing. And our school hosted some of the students participating in The “Chinese Bridge” — Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students. In 2009, our school was elected as “the most desirable middle school” by the public. Following the philosophy of “harmonious development of brilliant stars” and sticking to the belief of \"every student owing strengths\". We have developed versatile teaching methods and evaluation tools to build an active and vigorous atmosphere on campus. \"Star Education”: respect human nature The essence of “Star Education” is respect, democracy, fairness and harmony. Multi-dimensional evaluation system and humane atmosphere cultivate the aggressive sprits, innovative thinking and healthy mind in both the teachers and students. No wonder the famous CCTV host Bai Yansong commended: “It is fortunate for the students to have such caring teachers!” \"Star Education”: Bright and Dazzling Future Students can educate and promote themselves with versatile campus activities . Teachers apply various teaching methods and techniques to nurture the “Star Classes” featuring “student-based, democracy interaction, fun and efficiency”. The whole campus is full of brilliant and talented young people. \"Star Education”: Colorful International Activities Our school is the only partner school of the three national universities in Singapore. Our teachers have been to the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore Taiwan and other countries for exchange visiting. Our school has hosted the student athletes from Hiroshima, Japan, a deputation from South Korea KBS TV, a sports survey group from Foon Yew High School, Malaysia, and teachers and students from America, Holland, Ireland, South Africa, Thailand and so on. Our school features were promoted on the Asia Education Forum and got highly acclaimed.
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